Embracing Empowerment: Taking Control of Your Aging Journey

In a society that often glorifies youth and associates aging with decline and shame, it’s essential to challenge this narrative and recognize that by acknowledging our aging journey and being thoughtful about how we want to age is powerful. We often think of youth as a goal, which is ludicrous.  I am older now than when I woke up this morning and that is just a fact! Let’s start to address the elephant in the room and take control of our aging journey. To take control back and stay independent longer and more successfully we need to shift our thinking around READ MORE

What is a “Senior Move Manager”

If you have read the blog on “It’s Never to Early to Intentionally Declutter” then let me introduce you to a category of the aging industry called Senior Move Managers. No better person to explain what this amazing service can provide then a Senior Move Manager herself. Thank you to Jennie Alwood from “Here 2 Home” for her personal perspective on the role of a Senior Move Manager and why she finds value in the work that she does. What is a Senior Move Manager? Senior Move Manager’s (SMM) assist older people with the many many tasks needed to implement READ MORE

It’s Never too Early to Start Intentionally Decluttering

For many of us aging also means an accumulation of STUFF. Whether our long- term goal is to stay in our home or downsize it is never too early to start intentionally decluttering. My dad used to be visibly appalled when my siblings and I would say we didn’t want my grandmother’s pride and joy her cherry dining room set. We joked for many years about it until one day he starts using the pieces to make shelves and other things around his house. I loved walking into my parents’ home and seeing the cherry wood being used in a READ MORE

5 Questions to Ask to Have the Most Control of Your Aging Journey.

As a society we value youthfulness way more than the experience that comes with aging. Unfortunately, this mindset discourages us from having conversations regarding aging, which is direct cause of Ageism. Talking about aging is very important for everyone involved not just the aging loved one. Here are 5 questions you need to ask yourself that will help you have the most control of your aging journey. Who is my support system? Of course, children often fall into this role but there are situations when an adult child is not able to fill this role. You may need to look READ MORE